Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wiki's and more....

Okay so I now have a WIKI page something I didn't know existed until now. I was unaware of this collaborative tool that can be used for a variety of things but mainly as a database for creating, browsing and searching through information. Wiki pages can be created, updated and hyper linked at the touch of a button. Many wikis are open to alteration by the general public or registered users. Many edits can be made in 'real-time' and appear almost instantly online. Information can be added, changed or deleted depending on your user settings for that particular Wiki.
I have made my Wiki private for now as I am taking baby steps in this process. I have sent out a few invites which will give them access to add information. I have called my wiki E-Learning for Dummies (for obvious reasons) and have started adding Youtube clips and links to sites that have information relating to E-tools and useful websites. I hope overtime I will continue adding information and invite others to collaborate with me and keep this wiki as a databases of e-learning tools.
Wiki's could be used in so many different ways in a classroom or school setting. According to Marzano (p.189, 1997) the challenge is to engage learners in using knowledge in a context that is meaningful to them. As the students of today are digital natives it makes sense to integrate a Wiki into lessons throughout the year. Students could engage in the wiki both in and out of school hours. It would become a group task that they all share and contribute to. The students could then do research and add information relating to task such as an excursion, recycling, weather, mini-beasts and so on. Because the task then becomes real and relevant the students are more likely to have higher levels of engagement. I am definitely having higher levels of engagement because I just want to play with it all the time and add content. Time will only tell......

Marzano. R.J., & Pickering. D.J. (1997). Dimensions of Learning - Teachers Manual (2nd ed.)Denver, Co: Mid-Continet Regional Education Laboratory.

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